Geocomputing with Puhti supercomputer

Course overview and motivation

  • Are you working with geospatial data and running close to the limits of your own computing environment? 
  • Are you curious on how you can take your geospatial data processing and analysis to the next level? 
  • Or maybe you have been using a supercomputer already, but would like to make sure your are getting the most out of it?

    → This intensive two-day course is intended for you!

In this course we will learn the basics of geocomputing on a supercomputer through a combination of lectures and hands-on activities. The main focus of the course is Puhti supercomputer, were all hands-on exercises will be done. The CSC services discussed in this course are free-of-charge for academic research, education and training purposes for Finnish higher education institutions and state research institutes (subsidized by the Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland). 

Most of the course content also applies to LUMI supercomputer, which is available for academic users and companies

The course is meant both for academic researchers planning to use Puhti supercomputer and for data analysts from private companies planning to use LUMI.

If still unsure, if supercomputers could benefit you, see CSC geocomputing page.


12. - 13.10.2023


09:30 - 15:00

Lisää tietoa

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CSC Training Facilities / Online